Increasing Access to Health Care
Removing Barriers to Health Coverage
Our Foundation provided operational funding to the Kentucky Voices for Health (KVH) and Kentucky Equal Justice Center (KEJC) in 2019 and 2020 for its work to promote access to health care and reduce health disparities.
The KEJC funding supported the challenge a Medicaid section 1115 waiver-demonstration program that, in the Kentucky Administration’s own estimate, could have led to the loss of Medicaid coverage for 100,000 Kentuckians. The lawsuit and subsequent court proceedings kept the most detrimental provisions in the waiver from being implemented until the Governorship changed. The waiver was rescinded on December 16, 2019.
While the waiver was still under review, our Foundation partnered with the Bevin Administration to help ensure that as many Kentuckians on Medicaid as possible would retain their coverage. The partnership included the creation of a new 501(c)3 organization to cover Medicaid premiums, an advisory council to gather and share input and resolve issues as the waiver was implemented, and partnerships to help Kentuckians meet the new community engagement requirements under the waiver.
This two-pronged approach helped maintain gains in insurance coverage for Kentuckians under the expanded Medicaid program authorized by the Affordable Care Act.
Kentucky Voices for Health was instrumental with their coordination among advocates, community organizations, state agencies, and policymakers to address the health and access to health care issues, while keeping focused on making change through policy advocacy. KVH, in partnership with other advocacy organizations, launched the InsureKY campaign, to support Kentuckian's access to health care coverage through coordinated media campaigns, meetings with legislators, data requests, testimony for public meetings, calls-to-action, press releases and press conferences. This group gained partnership and expanded its focus to become what is now ThriveKY, a coalition of organizations who pursue systemic change to meet the basic needs of every Kentuckian.
Substance-Use Prevention and Treatment in Kentucky
Our Foundation was instrumental in the creation of the Recovery Consortium of Kentucky (RECON), which brings together stakeholders from all parts of the substance-use treatment system to better coordinate recovery. We also sit on the RECON board.
Foundation staff also worked with the state Administration to modify elements of the Kentucky HEALTH Medicaid waiver to reduce barriers that could have reduced access to substance-use treatment services. And, we coordinated with the Kentucky Fire Commission, UnitedHealthcare and Walgreens to provide opioid overdose rescue kits to volunteer fire departments in nine rural Kentucky counties.
Mental Health First Aid
Working closely with Kentucky Rep. Kim Moser, we supported a measure during the 2020 General Assembly to help address the high rates of frequent mental distress, depression, suicide, and drug deaths in the Commonwealth. Signed into law on March 27, 2020, the measure will train more people to recognize the symptoms, provide initial assistance, and refer individuals to appropriate professional help.
Public Health Transformation
Our Foundation testified before the legislature in support of the public health transformation bill, which became law March 17, 2020. The bill prioritizes evidence-based programs and services to improve health, codifies the funding formula, and requires departments to conduct community needs assessments.