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We are proud to see the communities we have partnered with under the IKF initiative changing the environment and implementing policies to help their children to grow up healthier. These communities have demonstrated the power of community collaboration and engagement. As Susan was fond of quoting from a fellow health advocate, “If the problem is in the community, the solution is in the community.”


The well-informed advocacy organizations the Foundation has continued to support through the PRHP initiative have been instrumental in providing information, evidence-based practices, and policy proposals to further the Foundation’s selected policy priority areas: increasing access to care, improving children’s health, strengthening local public health and increasing the proportion of Kentuckians in smoke-free jurisdictions. Through this engaged partnership, important policy gains were achieved, such as local smoke-free ordinances, increased enrollment in health plans, and policies to improve the health and safety of our children.


This annual report provides a brief snapshot of the Foundation’s initiatives and programs during 2016 and describes how the Foundation's investments have made a positive impact for Kentuckians.


At a time of change in the nation, we experience a transition to new leadership with Ben Chandler. As Attorney General of Kentucky, Ben was instrumental in the creation of the Foundation. With his experience, Ben will lead the Foundation through a period of restructuring and the development of the next strategic plan. This transition comes at a moment when philanthropic organizations are being challenged to work differently and engage communities even more in their work.


The mission of the Foundation continues to address the unmet health needs of Kentuckians, and we will do so by developing and influencing policy, improving access to care, reducing health risks and disparities, and promoting health equity.  Much remains to be done.  Kentucky is still among the unhealthiest of the 50 states. At the Foundation, we are committed to seeing this picture improve, as a healthy state will mean greater economic growth and opportunity for all.


I want to thank the many committed Kentuckians who serve on the Foundation’s Board of Directors and Community Advisory Committee and all the partner organizations, community leaders, and citizens of Kentucky who continue to make the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky an instrument for positive change in the Commonwealth.



Charles Ross

Board Chair

Letter from 2017 Board Chair, Charles Ross


The Foundation celebrated its 15th anniversary in 2016. This was also a year of transition as we said farewell to Susan Zepeda, CEO and President of the Foundation for 11 of those 15 years, and welcomed our new President and CEO, Ben Chandler.


Susan brought a wealth of experience to her position. Through her talented leadership, the Foundation multiplied its impact through initiatives including Promoting Responsive Health Policy (PRHP) and Investing in Kentucky’s Future (IKF). The Foundation also gained prominence through its nationally-commended research, health polls and surveys, forums, publications and communication initiatives.

© 2017 by Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky

1640 Lyndon Farm Court

Suite 100

Louisville, KY 40223

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